  • Running days: 3134

Participation Levels

Sponsor Information

Name: Gus Dia

Location: - Canada

Tel No. :

Free Membership: 
Members can enjoy incredible benefits when they register for free at our OR website. They can start to promote our products and services and make money.
Free Members can earn a $20 SuperSaver Discount Card for every business they get to participate in
our program free, just by giving our members a discount on their purchases. And just by registering
as a free member, you can earn large commissions selling our Discount Cards and introducing VIP 
members into the program. There are many more ways to make money as a free member! 
VIP Membership: 
Members experience the incredible income potential our program has to offer with the all-inclusive
V.I.P. Membership. This annual subscription plan will provide the highest payout to our V.I.P. members. 
Our VIP members can build an organization of FREE and VIP members worldwide and earn commissions, 
overides and bonuses from all the sales made by the people in their downline. 
Another perk: Hand-picked offers will be provided exclusively to our V.I.P. Members first and give them the
opportunity to participate before their downline. Our V.I.P. Membership is the core of our business and our
VIP members will have the opportunity to benefit the most with our plan. 
Our Customers are the people that purchase the discount cards and use them to get discounts on their
purchases. Discounts can be from 5% to 30% of the retail price with the SuperSaver Card and up to 55%
of the retail price with the Travel Card. The customer presents our SuperSaver Card and gets a discount
on the instantly. Customers are able to search by country, city and some cases the area for participating
retail stores and the discount they will give our card holding members by going to one of our  websites:
“http//” OR “http//”
These website provides people an easy way to find retail outlets or
stores in their area that will give them a discount on their purchases.  
Stores / Retail outlets
Retail outlets and stores will benefit by having the people in the area shop locally and support their business
and the neighborhood. Also: People from other neighborhoods will come to save money on their purchases. 
The more stores that participate in the neighborhood the better it is for business. People will not have to go
far to get a better price on their will be made available in their neighborhood. 
Retail outlets and stores will benefit by having the people in the area purchase TheSuperSaver Card from
their store and give the customer a personal discount, just for them... and make a profit from the sale of
the card and create a LOYAL CUSTOMER!!! 
   Customers save money!      
      Retail outlets make money! 
         VIP members make money!  
            FREE members make money!  

Program one website: 
Program two website:   

Live Support

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